Parent Teacher Association
Close cooperation between the home and school is essential to promote the best interests of the child. Parents are encouraged to visit school and to attend scheduled meetings of the PTA. A meaningful exchange of information between home and school produces mutual benefits.
Below is a list of the officers and executive board members of our PTA. We encourage all parents to join.
WAJ PTA 2021-2022
Board Members
Samantha Eilenberger, President
Amanda McCabe, Vice President
Jennifer Sciangula , Secretary
John Moss, Treasurer
Upcoming Events & Meetings:
Regular PTA Meetings
Everyone is invited to attend our monthly PTA meetings. Held on the first Wednesday of each month in the school library, 6:30 pm, unless otherwise stated. Be informed about your school. Better yet, get involved. The more the merrier, and the more we can achieve.
Please like us on Facebook at
Contact Mrs. Eilenberger by filling out the form below